Adam Kukaswadia

Associate, DrVetMed PGCert CertAVP(EM)MRCVS

Advanced Practitioner in Equine Internal Medicine

Adam, originally from Ireland graduated from the University of Veterinary Science in Budapest.  He has spent most of his time in equine practice and completed his internship here at Western Counties in 2017.  After completing his internship he spent a year abroad before returning to Devon.  Adam has completed his Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Medicine.  After successfully having his credentials assessed by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, he has been awarded the title ‘RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Equine Internal Medicine’ Adam enjoys all things internal Medicine with a special interest in gastroenterology, respiratory medicine and ophthalmology.  He is the Internship and Quality Improvement lead here at the Hospital.

Outside of work Adam enjoys being outdoors, hiking, swimming and diving.

m: 07725 001850