The importance of equine dentistry is recognised by the vet team here at Western Counties.
Regular dentistry is required by all horses and ponies at least on an annual basis. The vet team are fully equipped and trained to perform routine dentistry using motorised and manual equipment. Early identification of pathology is important to allow treatment and prevent deterioration of dental disease resulting in loss of performance and/or weight loss.
We recommend that routine dentistry is carried out at the same time as the annual vaccinations either at your stables or at the hospital. Fixed prices are available for group bookings.
Advanced dental procedures are available at the Hospital to our first opinion clients and clients referred by veterinary surgeons or equine dental technicians.
Services available include:
- Digital radiography of the head, dental arcades and sinuses
- Reduction of dental overgrowths and irregular arcades
- Extraction of teeth using modern techniques including minimally invasive transbuccal extraction (MTE) alongside more established surgical methods
- Treatment of periodontal disease using specialist high pressure systems
- Endodontic and cavity restorative techniques
David Seymour (an associate equine vet here at Western Counties) is undertaking further equine dental studies (Equine Veterinary Dental College – Resident in Equine Dentistry).
Please contact the office here at Western Counties in the first instance to discuss any equine dental issues or for further information and advice.